Manic Monday: I BE BACK! and a little something on Twitter

Good day my sexy cherries and daggers!

Hope you all have been missing me as much as I’ve been missing you!

OK, so I guess I’m the weirdest person in the world, but I actually am happy as a bug in a rug to be back in the hustle and bustle of my world again. Holidays aren’t for me. Which is why I so badly wanna live in New York!

I love being busy, doing shit all the time, being productive, getting stuff done. Is that weird? Yea I thought so…

ANYWAY, so I thought I’d take a minute to dedicate this blog post to one of my favourite networking sites EVER and that’s Twitter!

If it wasn’t for twitter, I would never have met Liz Vicious, friend and mentor to me and none of this Cherry von Dagger modelling or blogging stuff would have happened and you wouldn’t have been sitting with your hand on your mouse like that, reading what I have written here. Strange how it works, right? lol

So, I’m on 1308 followers at the moment, people reading my strangeness for some odd reason that I’ll never fathom, but hey, keeps me happy and I keep you entertained (apparently)!

Anyway keeping it short and sweet today peeps, gotta run and do some other stuff that I definitely don’t determine as important, but hey.

Picture made by @inmypic

Follow me on twitter and I’ll follow you back!

Be good
